Quick operations, smooth workflow and extended controls for all

Student Management

An ideal school should be able to impart the best education to all the students irrespective of the class and learning ability of the students. The major challenge for the schools is to bring different students on the same platform and offer them an equal opportunity to help them get the maximum returns out of their potentials. The key lies in managing properly channeling their potential and allowing them to thrive by positively utilizing the potential to the fullest. It needs a well-designed student management system. Edecofy is primarily built to offer the ideal student development irrespective of their present status, class, and potential.


General student info like name, address, parents, gender and image

With the help of comprehensive students inform at an Edecofy allows the teachers to gain the entire key information of any specific student hat allows them t understand the individual capabilities, limitations and special circumstances of the students that directly or indirectly impacts their learning ability. It allows the teachers to manage the students appropriately by focusing on designing the friendliest way of learning meeting their capabilities.



While the residential schooling helps e school admin to connect best with the students it also brings a major responsibility for the admin as they need to manage the entire day of the students in such a manner that ensures the full round development. With the help of ID number and strong dormitory, management features the Edecofy allow the school to make sure that the students should be able to gain maximum rewards out of their stay in the schools and makes sure that they should enjoy the best rewards out of the same.

Strong class section and profile management

The strong class section and profile management allow the schools to gain a strong grip over the vital issues that impact average students and affects their overall learning journey. The well-built ecosystem of Edecofy is so exquisitely designed that the schools can now design the best student profile and edit it as per the current requirements to meet the present status.


Why Edecofy?

In order to provide the best features to the schools the Edecofy is specifically developed to contain the best combination of most powerful features without complicating the processes. It perfectly combines the latest modern education guidelines with the robust functionalities and presents the same in an easy and intuitive interface.


Offers the entire key information with quick access

Edecofy helps the schools to have the complete key information and take the needful action as a required meeting he current requirement. The school can now have the quick info about the different aspect and departments that are categorized wisely that helps them to get the best out of each department and manage their performance.

Robust student management

It also allows the schools to ensure that healthy student management by offering it the quick and friendly facility to monitor the students’ activities and promoting the best practices as well as the maintaining the best ethics.

Maximum merit-based benefits

BY suitably rewarding the students as per their merit the schools can encourage the students to keep on enhancing their capabilities. With the help Edecofy, the schools can now ensure that the students should get the best rewards out of their efforts in the best manner.