Quick operations, smooth workflow and extended controls for all
Edecofy’s robust and detailed report system allows the institutes ready access to different reports that represent the potential of the student, their weakness and strengths and the areas of improvement. At the same time, the reports also help in analyzing the performance of staff and institutes in regards to different students.
Intelligent end to end evaluation of the students help the institute admin to decide the key fields for improvement and thus impart purpose-specific guidance or mentorship.
After a thorough comprehensive study of any specific activity or subject the reporting analytics generate an intuitive and comprehensible report that enables the admin to take prompt action and do the needful. One of the major USP of this feature is an in-depth analysis based on a wide range of features/aspects that allow for 360-degree evaluation.
Performance of an individual is as important as the performance of an entire class or a group of students. That is why the report analytics system allows for efficiently checking the individual s well as group performance to initiate the required plan of action. It also helps the authorities to wisely categorize the students as per their present phase of growth and thus allow them to concentrate the efforts wisely without compromising on the results.
Development is not constant and thus you need to have a quick overview of the phase growth of the student in order to measure their rate of growth. It will help you to fine-tune your efforts accordingly and shift your attention to only those aspects that still need to be improved.
The intelligent report analysis feature of the Edecofy offers a smart overview of phase to phase growth of the students that will help you determine the tactics that are producing the real tangible results. The neatly organized visual structure of the reports facilitates a quick overview of the students’ growth through different phases.
Edecofy is specially designed after a thorough study and research to present the robust efficiency and dynamic capabilities in an intuitive format that helps all the participants of a institute ecosystem to gain maximum RoI of their efforts and time.
Special attention has been giving to the streamlined communication and continuous coordination between all the participants to make sure that everyone stays informed about the latest developments
To make it the one-stop solution for the entire institute management the Edecofy is strategically designed to tackle various departments of the institutes including but to limited to library, accounts, and transportation.
We have employed anytime, anywhere approach for the edecofy to make it easily accessible to all the participants regardless of their current device or location. Whether you are in the office or traveling through public conveyance, you can easily use Edecofy with the help of laptops or Smartphone.